About DBD Records
Dead by Devs Records is the official world records website for the game Dead by Daylight. Our Discord server is a community of over 8000 members. You can find people to play with, discuss and debate DBD (and other topics), and ask for survivor/killer help from our DBD experts. We host tournaments, giveaways, movie nights, game nights, and more. We also have a clips of the week section for both survivor and killer. You can submit your best DBD clips here to get featured on our clips of the week homepage (clips are refreshed each Sunday). If you'd like to view our world record challenges and compete for a spot on one of the leaderboards, view our world records page.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, join our Discord server or click on the chat box below.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I see the world record challenges?
Click on the World Records page and select either Survivor Challenges or Killer Challenges. You will see a list of world record challenges and leaderboards.
How do I submit a game?
When you're ready to submit a game, click on the World Records page, select survivor or killer, and click on the challenge you are submitting a game for. Once you are on that challenge page, there will be a submit button where you can submit your gameplay for that challenge.
Do I need full gameplay?
Yes, full gameplay is required for records. You must show the pre game lobby as well as the end game lobby. If you're submitting a clip for the clips of the week homepage, you do NOT need full gameplay.
Do I need to be in the Dead by Devs Discord server in order to submit a record?
Yes, you need to be in the Dead by Devs Discord server to submit a record. We have special roles and prizes for individuals who win our monthly events and submit world records. You can join the server here.
What happens if I get the same record as someone else?
You will both be the same rank on the leaderboard. Whoever had a faster game time will be the name that appears first on the leaderboard.
How do I join the DBD Records Staff Team?
You can check out all of our server and website based team roles on the join our team page! Information on how to apply for each role is also on that page.
How long will it take for my record to get accepted?
We try our best to upload records as soon as possible. At the moment we have a small website team so games will most likely be added within a few days after you submit them.
Can I donate to DBD Records?
Yes! Donations are greatly appreciated but not expected. If you'd like to check out our donation packages and perks, information is on the donate page.
Can I submit more than one game for one record?
Yes! You can submit as many games as you'd like for each leaderboard.
Will there be more world record challenges added?
Yes! We are planning in adding new world record challenges, along with killer specific challenges and perk specific challenges in the near future.