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We have a fantastic team of volunteers who work together to make our Discord server and website a fun and safe environment for all!

Note: to be accepted for any of these roles, you must be a member of the Dead by Devs Discord server.

Below are a list of roles that we are currently accepting applications for:

Survivor/Killer Help

This role is designed for individuals who are knowledgeable in DBD. You will assist people in the Dead by Devs Discord server when they need assistance/have any questions regarding playing survivor/killer.

Website Staff

This role is designed for individuals who are knowledgeable in DBD and/or moderation. You will be responsible for moderating the website and/or reviewing gameplay that is submitted and either accept or deny it onto the website.

Event Coordinators

This role is designed for individuals who are creative, enthusiastic, and love to host events. You will be responsible for hosting server events such as movie nights, game nights, and more.

Server Designers

This role is designed for individuals who have art/graphic design skills and would like to take part in creating server emojis, website art, banners, PFPs, gifs, trailers, and more.

Tournament Staff

This role is designed for individuals who have lots of Dead by Daylight experience and are familiar with competitive Dead by Daylight. You will be responsible for assisting in organizing tournaments, putting rules together, hosting/streaming tournaments, and more.


This role is designed for individuals who are familiar with advertising/social media and have creative ways of bringing new members into the server. You will be responsible for inviting people into the Dead by Devs community through servers, social media, games, etc.


This role is designed for individuals who are active on Discord and want to be a part of our Dead by Devs Discord server moderation team. You will be responsible for ensuring the server is kept a safe and fun environment for all, along with following Discord TOS.

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